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Our Breeding Program

Finding a breeder for your next dog can be quite a shopping experience. There is a breeder out there to fit pretty much every belief system a person can have. That said, there are lots of people (breeders and buyers alike) who believe very strongly in their methods. Here is a little bit about how my program is conducted. Please note that I am a newer breeder and I have made some changes as I go, and I imagine that will continue to be the case. 

Skipping Heat Cycles: I breed my female dogs every heat cycle as long as they are healthy, happy, have fully bounced back from the last litter. Once a female is not quickly recovering or has had a severe drop in her litter sizes when will then retire. Every dog is different and should be treated as such. Please note that unlike some breeders who sell their retired females after they are done our dogs are our family. All Mo Chridhe dogs will live our their lifetime as family pets, not shipped off to strangers halfway through their life. Aussies are very attached to their people and I don’t recommend them being rehomed after they have matured unless absolutely necessary or with family members whom they have known. 





Breed standards for Australian Shepherds in the USA is that an Aussie has a docked tail. Some Aussies are born with a naturally docked tail, but that is not very common. There is a variety of reasons for docking a tail, but generally, in this working breed, It was originally to protect the dog from injury while moving cattle. I dock my puppies' tails at 3 days old and have them docked a little on the long side compared to most breeders and I like them being able to lift and wag it! I don’t have strong feelings either way on tails. If you are wanting a puppy and really want a tail, I’m okay with that, your puppy would simply need to be selected within the first 48hrs of being born. 




As with most parts of a breeding program you will find a wide variety of prices for puppies. My dogs are $800 pet price. My logic is that puppies cost the same amount to raise so I don’t charge more for popular colors or genders just to make an extra buck. Are there less expensive pups out there? Absolutely! Are there more expensive? Yep!  So what do you get for $800? You get a healthy pup and a happy pup. My puppies are born and raised in our home. Not in a kennel or cage. They aren’t off in some dog building getting played with twice a day. They are under our chairs and feet and tables. They are listening to vacuums and chasing brooms. They are chasing the cats and “helping” with laundry. Generally, when your pup leaves me it knows its name, and it fairly close to being potty training. Your pup will be up to date on vaccinations, deworming, flea/tick prevention, and be microchipped. 

If you don’t agree with my breeding beliefs that is absolutely okay, and I hope you find a breeder who is a better fit. I’m always happy to answer questions about my program as well if you want more information! Best of luck finding your puppy! 



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